You always wanted to get to know him. But you never tried for fear
of getting tongue-tied. We hold the solution. Read on...
Shyness is usually an outward manifestation of negative self-talk.
Meaning that when one gets nervous around a guy one would like to
talk to, it's because you're saying in your head, "He'd think
I was such an idiot," or "He wouldn't like me anyway,"
or "I'm going to die if I get tongue-tied again." This
kind of talk only takes a person on the road away from love.
You won't die if you get tongue-tied a few more times. And the world
won't end if you get rejected once or twice. Believe it or not,
all the people you know who are currently in couples have been there,
done that themselves.
It takes confidence and motivation to get over self-defeating thoughts.
Then get ready, get set, go!