though the SSX game is one of the latest games, we were able to
get a whole bundle of cheats! It was difficult but thats the reason
you all come to TeenzSpot.com ! ;)
This is a game so great that it is reason enough to own a PlayStation
With some of the latest graphics engines, this game makes your
PlayStation 2 roar. If you own a PlayStation 2, dont miss it!! You
won't be sorry !
Unlock Everything
At the options screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Left,
Up, Right, X, Circle, Triangle, Square to unlock all courses, characters,
boards, and costumes. If you entered the code correctly, you will
hear a sound. Repeat this code to disable it.
Unlock Jurgen
Use any mode and get 1 Gold Medal
Unlock JP
Use any mode and get 2 Gold Medals
Get JP fast
Find hidden wax on the hidden level
Unlock Zoe
Use any mode and get 3 Gold Medals
Unlock Hiro
Use any mode and get 4 Gold Medals
New Costumes
Finish all green circle tricks to get a new costume and finish
all blue square tricks to get another
Lighter Person
Pause and press L1 R1 R2 L2 square triangle left right up
Get Running Man Mode
Go to the options screen and press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and
push Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X. Repeat
code to disable
See Coarse Hints
Go to the options screen and press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and
push Circle, X, Circle, X, Circle, X, Circle, X. Repeat Code to
Max Out Stats
Go to the options screen and Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 then press
Circle, X (7 times), Square. Repeat Code to disable
Max Out Attribute Points
Go to main menu. Hold L1, L2, R1, R2. Then push X (x7), Square.
Big Shortcuts
On SSX Break through the SSX signs and get a long short cut. Plus
it looks cool when you break trough the signs. As long as you avoid
the trees.
Unlock Boards
Get to the following ranks to unlock the indicated boards
Rank Needed Board Unlocked
Rookie 3
Sensei 4
Contender 5
Natural 6
Star 7
Veteran 8
Champ 9
Superstar 10
Master 11
Get Courses
Get This Course By Doing This
Tokyo Megaplex Get Medal on the Mesablanca Course
Pipedream Get Medal on the Tokyo Megaplex
Mesablanca Get Medal on the Mercury City Meltdown Course
Mercury City Meltdown Get Medal on the Elysium Alps
Aloha Ice Jam Get Medal on the Tokyo Megaplex
Untracked Course Get Medal on Aloha Ice Jam
L1 R1:Stiffy Air
R1 L2:Stalemaskey Air
R1 R2 L2: Slab Air
L1 L2 R1 R2: Experimental Air
L1 L2 square: NOSEBLEED Air
L1 R1 R2 square:MEATBALLED Spaghetti Air
R1 R2: TailGrab Air
L1 R2: Swiss Cheese Air
L1 R1 R2:Spaghetti Air
L2 R1 L1 square:HOLY Crail Air
left or right 360 L1 R2:360 Flying Squirrel
R1 R2 to L1 R1: TailGrab To Late Stiffy Air
L1 R2 to L2 R1: Swiss Cheese To Late Stalemaskey
L1 L2 R1 To R1 R2: Lein To Late TailGrab
R1 R2 L1 to L1 L2 R2:Spaghetti To Late Crail Air
R1 R2 L2 to L1 L2 R1 R2:Slab to Late Experimental Air
left or right 360 L1:360 Mute
left or right 360 L1 R2: 360 Swiss cheese
Left or right L1 R2 180 NoseGrab
R1 R2 L2 to L2 R2:Slab to Late Flying squirrel Air
up 360 L1 R2 to R1 L2 square:Front Flip Swiss Chesse to Late Fresh
left or right 540 up 360:Misty
left or right 720 R1 R2 square:720 Tail WAG
left or right down 360 R1 L2 square:Back Flip 360 FRESH Stalemaskey
up 360 R1 R2: Front Flip TailGrab
left or right 180 up 360 L1 R1 R2:Front Flip 180 Slab
left or right 180 up 360 R1 L1 square:Front Flip 180 IFFY Stiffy
left or right 720 L1 R2 square:720 RIPE Swiss Chesse
left or right 900 L1 R1 square:900 IFFY Stiffy
down 360 L1 L2 R1 square: Back Flip MEAN Lein
left or right 360 up 360 L1 R1 L2 square to L1 R1 R2: FRont flip
360 MEAN Lean to Late Spaghetti
left or right 360 down 360 L1 L2 R1 R2 square to L2 R2 R1
left or right 720 up 360 L1 L2 R1 R2: Misty 720 Experimental
left to right 900 R1 R2 square to L1 L2 square: 900 Tail WAG to
left or right 360 up 360 L2 square to L2 R2 L1 square:Front flip
360 Method Madness to Late HOLY Crail
left or right 1260 R1 square: 1260 Sinful INDY
left or right 720 up 360 L1 L2 R2: Misty 720 Crail
left or right 540 down 360:Rodeo
left or right 540 up 360 R1 R2:Misty TailGrab
left or right 1080 L1 R2: 1080 Swiss Chesse
left or right 720 down 360 L1 L2 to L1 R1 square: Rodeo 720 NoseGrab
to Late IFFY Stiffy
left or right 720 up 360 L1 L2 R1 R2 to L1 R2 square:Misty 720 Experimental
to Late Ripe Swiss Chesse
left or right 720 down 720 L2 R2 square to R1:Double back flip 720
SKINNED flying Squirrel to late indy
left or right 1080 down 720 L2 R2 L1 square:Double rodeo HOLY Crail
left or right 540 down 360 R1 L1 to R2 L2:Rodeo Stiffy to Late Flying
left or right 900 down 360 R1 square to L2:Rodeo 900 SINFUL Indy
to Late Method
left or right 1440 down 360:Rodeo 1440
left or right 1080 up 360: Horrifying 1080
left or right 1260 up 360 R1 R2 to L1 L2: Misty 1260 TailGrab to
Late NoseGrab
left or right 1080 up 720 L1 R2:Double Misty Swiss Cheese
If you want to know the available characters moves then right after
you pic your person go to the book sign and pres.
Mercury City Subways
In Mercury City Meltdown, when you get to the series of jumps that
take you over the highways, instead of going over the highways,
fall under them. Take the trail that leads you to the big glass
ramp and instead of using it to get to the next platform, don't
jump and just fall off the end. Now, when you're on the ground in
front of the jump, go straight up the middle of the concrete ramp
in front of you, again w/out jumping (turbo might be necessary to
get up this ramp). Once you've fallen off of this second ramp, turn
around and go into the brick tunnel. Once your in there, slow down
and wait for the third train to pass, then turbo across the tracks
and you're home free.
We hope the cheats are enough to satisfy your appetite!
TeenzSpot.com Team